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2023-03-24 08:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


A React HOC to easily aggregate data from a form.

installation usage example


( => ({err})) ) } />


import React from 'react' import { formHoc, Field, Submitter } from '../../src' import { Form, Button } from 'semantic-ui-react' import semanticConfig from './semanticConfig' const options = [ { key: 'm', text: 'Male', value: 'male' }, { key: 'f', text: 'Female', value: 'female' }, ] const ageValidationRules = [ { func: value => { const failed = value === undefined || value === '' return !failed }, error: 'age should not be empty.' }, { func: str => { if (!(/^\d+$/.test(str))) { return false } if (/^0/.test(str)) { return false } return true }, error: 'age must be a number' }, { func: value => { const intValue = parseInt(value) if (intValue < 18 || intValue > 121) { return false } return true }, error: 'age must be between 18 and 121' } ] const PersonForm = props => ( parseInt(value)}> Submit ) export default formHoc(PersonForm) props documentation formHoc prop type default value description onSubmit function - function that will be called on Submitter click reporter function as rect component - react component that will render validation erros; errors will be passed to it with the errors prop Field prop type default value description name string - is required; that's the name of field that is binded to data field that, in its turn, will be reported with the onSubmit event onChange object { listenTo: 'onChange',valueExtractor: (...args) => { return args[0].target.value }} defines how to listen to the control changes, wrapped with Field validators array - array of validation rules; each rule is shape of object with func property (functin like value => value !== ') and with error property - textual representation of validation error onBlurValidation boolean false indicates whether validation is going to be done onBlur event validationTrigger string - required only if validators are defined; that's a name of wrapped component prop responsible for displaying validation failed state of the component reversedTrigger boolen false indicats if the validationTrigger should be provided with reversed valid value; i.e. semantic controls indicate invalid state with error={true} property; the Field will hold valid={false} in its state; so with reversedTrigger the valid={false} will be transformed to error={!valid}={true} dataTransformer function - as a rule, wrapped controls hold their valus in string format; if there is a need to transform string into something else - dataTransformer prop should be used; i.e. dataTransformer={value => parseInt()} will pass int into the data repored with formHoc onSubmit event development and demo git clone ... cd ... npm install npm start to publish

if nwb isn't installed:

npm install -g nwb

and then:

nwb build-react-component npm login ... ... ... npm publish






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